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Healthy Posture With Your Baby!

As a new mother or father you are lifting, carrying, and holding your baby countless times throughout the day for a few minutes to hours on end. It is extremely important to use proper body mechanics and form when doing all these tasks with your baby to prevent muscle strains and pain to your back, neck, and shoulders. Below are different ways from Medbridge to hold your baby without causing increased stress or strains on your body leading to pain. 

When it comes to lifting your baby from any surface you want to stand close to your baby with your feet shoulder width apart. You can have one foot slightly in front of the other for a different stance when lifting. From there you will squat down to the height where your baby is at keeping your back flat and bending with your legs! You will grab your baby and hold your baby close to your body as you push with your legs to stand. This concept can be applied to all different surfaces of where you are picking up your baby or laying down! This is a great way to prevent increased stress and strains on your body leading to potential injuries down the road! 

If you would like an assessment and learn the proper ways to lift and carry your baby without increasing risk of injury contact us today at or check out our website at for more information! 


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