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What is Better: 3 Wheel Jogging Stroller or 4 Wheel Jogging Stroller?


It honestly depends on your needs and what type of runner you are. In this blog we will discuss the pro’s and con’s of both and let you decide which is best for you! Regardless, running is a lot of work! It is a high impact physically demanding sport, now we add in a stroller which will alter your running mechanics. Therefore, it is so important to run with an upright posture, relaxing your shoulders and mid back and allowing the force of pushing the stroller with your legs and core. With the altered body mechanics and if muscles are weak this is a recipe for an overuse injury! So, we want to prevent injuries by posture awareness and strengthening areas that may have been weakened due to pregnancy! So, now you know a little about posture awareness and changes with running with a stroller. Let’s talk about the two different types!

A 3 wheel jogging stroller is great on all different terrains for running. So, if you enjoy running on pavement and trail running this may be a better option for you. It has great maneuverability with the front wheel able to turn 360 for narrow turns or can lock straight for more stability over the pavement with little rocks. You can also steer the stroller with one hand and that can help simulate arm swing and improved running mechanics. However, these are big and heavy making it more difficult to compact it and load it in your vehicle. These strollers can also get very expensive.

A 4 wheel jogging stroller is lightweight and easily transferred. It is compactable making it easier to fit in your vehicle. It is great for stability even when the baby grows in the positioning options of the stroller. The small wheels allow easier navigation in narrow areas, but cannot make sharp turns. This stroller may also require more effort and energy to steer and push the stroller resulting in possible compensations of the body while running. Lastly, this stroller is not the best for all terrains. It is usually better for roads/sidewalks.

Whatever type of stroller you decide to choose, don’t forget to make it fun! You are able to return to a sport you love while being with your child. You get the best of both worlds! If you have any questions or would like to schedule an evaluation to prevent risk of injury while returning to running please contact me at:


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